Saturday 27 August 2011

Help! My work history isn't UK-based

That has now finished and I have been looking for a job in the industry that I have succeeded in for over 15 years. I have held many levels of position, run successful departments and I am a loyal, committed, hard worker.

I am a dedicated, organised multi-tasker, have a degree, speak languages, and have great technical skills – you name it, I have the experience.

My problem is no one wants to hire me because I have never worked in the UK. I have worked with two recruitment agencies (a joke because of their level of service and lack of support) and every time I find a job on their site they say I'm not qualified simply because I have never worked here.

Everyone I know tells me not to get desperate, that I am good at what I do and times are tough, but it is getting very trying when I can't even get the individuals who are qualified and connected to assist me. How am I ever going to gain UK experience if no one is prepared to provide an opportunity? I am willing to take an entry role at lower pay as I know I need to start at the beginning again and I am not afraid to do so, but I have not even been considered for that either. Every day I apply for three to six jobs online. I am frustrated at where I am at.

Pete says:

I wish I knew two things: the nature of the industry in which you've clocked up 15 years of successful experience; and which country you were in while you were doing so. On the face of it, it does seem very odd that no potential employer in the UK seems to think your previous experience and qualifications count for anything in this country.

There's always the possibility, of course, that employers are using your lack of local experience as a convenient and seemingly objective reason for turning you down when their real reasons may be altogether different.

More positively (and improbable as it may seem to you) I suggest you try to turn this apparent obstacle into a small but potentially important advantage. Somewhere in your favoured industry I assume there must be at least one British-based company that has some dealings with the country you previously worked in. Meticulous research should enable you to identify it – or, possibly, even them. Don't wait for any such opening to show up on a recruitment agency site; you need to take the initiative yourself – as you've already done with some relative success.

Put yourself in the shoes of such a company and present your background as a positive attraction. Show how your knowledge of this other market could be of particular value to them. With any luck, you'll find that a few thoughtful and well-targeted applications prove more successful than your blanket approach.
Readers say:

I have always gained employment by approaching the companies that I would like to work for. On three occasions roles have actually been created for me when none were advertised. Employers like to see a proactive approach. Skip the employment agencies. MrsDaisyP

Use your unique cultural perspective to market yourself. Whatever country you come from, there will be someone who wants to know how to do business in that country. Try trade associations, chambers of commerce and see if you can't sell your services as a consultant. Don't work for nothing though. You have too much going for you, and that also sets the tone and makes employers expect other people to do it. horizon10

So much of getting a job, regardless of qualifications, is not what but who you know. Make sure everyone you know knows you're looking for work and ask them to keep an ear out for anything that might suit you. I'm also not originally from the UK, and the best jobs I've got have been through the "hometown mafia" – people who've also moved here to work and who knew me and were happy to recommend me. Personal recommendation goes a long way, especially when the market's tight, and a lot of companies pay staff who do recommend someone and they pass probation, so it's a win-win … tarnarama

I am 54 and currently unemployed. Over the last three years I have left two jobs due to bullying and had spells of unemployment in between. One job lasted four months and another in the civil service lasted 18 months. I had spent the last six months in the latter job desperately searching for another and then events took a turn for the worse and I resigned as life had become impossible. Prior to the last three years I had an unbroken employment record stretching back 20 years, encompassing team-leading and office management.

As you can imagine, I am feeling demoralised with what seems to be constant job hunting and frustration. I didn't pursue the bullying in either case as I was just so glad to get out. I have had interviews but I get very tense about them and feel I don't perform well. On the plus side I do voluntary work to keep busy and acquire new skills (minute-taking, PR, book reviews) and I have finally learned to touch type. I have also taken up wildlife photography and am busily upgrading my IT skills.

I've always done admin work and have key transferable skills to offer any employer but am apprehensive about encountering another repressive regime. There's also the after-effects of the bullying.

By the sound of it, all your 20-year work experience was with big organisations. My very strong instinct is that you should now be thinking of becoming a valued part of something very much smaller. You're obviously an intelligent and enterprising person, with multiple skills and interests. At 54, I doubt if you're looking for a great new Career with a capital C. The sort of job that would suit you best may not even be advertised anywhere.

Many small- and medium-sized businesses would find what you can offer extremely attractive: and the chances are, you'll only find out about them through personal contacts. The job may even not have a precise name. (In many such firms, they say: "Oh, Molly looks after all that.") If you involve all your friends and acquaintances, and all the people you meet doing your voluntary work, you may be surprised to find what a potentially wide network of contacts you have at your disposal. And at the end of such a search, no intimidating interviews, no repressive regimes, no hierarchies: just an opportunity to be useful and appreciated and to find your confidence again.

Have you thought about temping? I quit my last job rather suddenly, and without anything to go to, but I chased a job I saw on a website which was advertised through an agency and I have been there for several months on a rolling contract, which looks like it will continue for some time yet.

My confidence was pretty low when I resigned and I was very apprehensive about working anywhere else but like you I had an unblemished work record and a fair few admin skills. I now work for a very good company and have got to know some lovely new colleagues and the job is well within my scope. I'm much happier and feel more confident now. Don't let the bullies win – good luck! besidethesea

I think you've been pretty brave leaving jobs, even if the bullying has knocked your confidence. Keep that in mind: a lot of people stick at a job and put up with the crap because it offers security, but it's a hell of a price to pay. Again, ask people you know if they can keep an eye out for potential jobs for you. If you have 20 years' experience, then surely there are ex-colleagues who've moved on elsewhere and would recommend you? tarnarama

• I have been in this situation and would recommend counselling. It wasn't until 18 months after I had left that I realised it had affected me more than I had realised.

I was becoming scared of getting back to work [and] I signed up for some counselling with a local voluntary organisation provider. The counsellor I worked with was trained in transactional analysis – she was great, we really focused on what the issue was … which helped me get my confidence back. And taught me how to handle some situations in a different way in the future. I only attended for seven weeks – I felt that was enough – and it definitely helped. runningwild

• Don't mention your history of being bullied when you go for interviews. The old expression "no smoke without fire" could be applied here – and there will be many who will assume the problem is with you. So don't let them. ExBrightonBelle

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