Tuesday 28 June 2011

Apple planning iPhone 5 and iPhone 4S release date in September?

Apple planning iPhone 5 and iPhone 4S release date in September?

Apple's new iPhone looks increasingly likely to have a release date in September - but some sources suggest the company might spring a surprise, releasing both an iPhone 5 and an iPhone 4S simultaneously.

Sources have suggested that the brand will begin production on the fifth-generation iPhone – the iPhone5 – in August, ready for a late-September launch.

Morgan Stanley analyst Katy Huberty released the intelligence in a note to clients following business meetings in Taiwan stating: 'Apple's next iPhone will begin production in mid to late August and ramp aggressively' into the autumn.

And Deutsche Bank's Chris Whitmore added fuel to the fire by issuing a note stating that Apple could launch two new products, the high-end iPhone 5 and the mid-range iPhone 4S, in September.

'With Nokia and RIMM struggling, time is right for Apple to aggressively penetrate the mid-range smartphone market,' he added.

Mr Whitmore also described the iPhone 4S as an unlocked smartphone with a pre-paid voice plan which could cost somewhere around the $349 (£218) mark.

Little is known about the iPhone 5, although sources have hinted that it boasts a radical new design which makes it stand out from its predecessors. BGR stated that it will have a very different case design.

But it's not just smartphone launches that Apple may have planned. Ms Huberty also suggested that a TV design is in the pipeline.

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