Tuesday 22 September 2009

Government helpline aims to benefit UK workers and employers

Government helpline aims to benefit UK workers and employers

The government has launched a pay and work rights helpline, to offer advice to workers struggling with issues from redundancy to employee rights.

Commenting on the launch of the Government's new Pay and Work Rights helpline TUC General Secretary Brendan Barber said: “This vital new helpline was a key recommendation of the TUC's Commission on Vulnerable Employment final report last year. It will ensure workers at risk of mistreatment by their employers not only have a phone number that they can call to find out about their rights to the minimum wage, excessive working hours and agency standards, but they can also ask for help in enforcing these rights.”

Barber said the move should also enable better co-ordination between the national enforcement agencies, ensuring more effective enforcement of employee-related law.

“The helpline and enforcement agencies will champion the rights of vulnerable workers, and ensure that rogue employers who flout the law do not get away with it.

'This will not only benefit workers across the UK, but will also help employers by promoting fair competition and preventing good employers from being undercut by bad ones using unlawful practices,” he said.

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