Friday 23 April 2010

Warning that IMF might have to rescue UK

Shadow business secretary Ken Clarke has warned that the International Monetary Fund might have to intervene if markets react badly to a hung parliament.

Clarke said the City would be greatly troubled by an indecisive election result.

"Bond markets won't wait," he said.

"Sterling will wobble. We have seen even minor flickers in the opinion polls causing problems with interest rates in the recent past.

"If the British don't decide to put in a government with a working majority, and the markets think that we can't tackle our debt and deficit problems, then the IMF will have to do it for us."

But is Clarke right or just scaremongering to secure more votes? Have your say using the comment section below

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Wednesday 7 April 2010

Claim Back Default Charges

Claim Back Default Charges

Claim Back Your Unfair default Charges

Reclaim Your Unfair Default Charges Today
Do not delay in claiming back all your default charges from every credit card you have used in the last 6 years. 
The bank charges case was only lost on a narrow technicality and the court added that there may be different legal avenues through which bank charges can be challenged by consumers. We will wait and see and let you know.
Meanwhile do not delay in claiming back all default Charges on your Credit Cards.
• There are 68 million credit cards in the UK

• The average claim per card we have dealt with is £500.

• If you are 'average' you have about 3 credit cards in your wallet/purse right now.

• If we don't win we work for FREE
So we urge you not to give up just yet and fill in our short online application form to start your claim today.
I am struggling financially, is there anything I can do?
Yes, banks are still required to help customers in financial hardship so if you are struggling then it is recommended that you put in a bank charges claim as soon as possible.
Remember you can still claim for unfair credit card charges and mis sold payment protection insurance. These areas were not affected by the Supreme Court ruling and we are extrmely successful in claiming these charges back.

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